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Guido x Mazie Pups: 3-4 Weeks

Time for new experiences!

A tub full of cuteness - and trouble!
Can you see all eight?
Three weeks & two days old

The puppies are growing and learning all about being adorable. They were getting more and more interested in Mazie's meals, trying little nibbles, so we are now giving them meals of their own. It's messy, but Mazie is more than happy to clean up afterwards. They are starting to play with toys now, as well as each other. It's so funny to see a fat little pup pick up a toy about it's own size, give it a fierce shake, and fall over. I love this age!

First "solid" meal at 3 1/2 weeks
mushy food time
Yummy and messy!

And now for the "official" four week photos -

Pup #1, girl, "MJ"
MJ 4 wks, side
MJ is now the smallest of the pups, and WAY cute!

Pup #2, girl, "Keira"
Keira, 4 wk, front
sittin' down on the job

Pup #3, boy, "Luigi"
Luigi, 4 wk, side
one of the biggest, and a real sweetie

Pup #4, girl, "Itty-Bits
Itty-Bits, 4 wk, front
not so itty-bitty anymore

Mario wants to get out and explore
pup 5 - cute!
What an adorable little boy!

After a good meal, it's time for a nice nap here, there, and everywhere.

Full tummies - time for a nap!
sleeping angels?
puppies, puppies everywhere

thanks to this week's photographer, Mr. Bill. ;-)

Not the best position, but still cute
MJ 4 wk, front

This little pirate lass is a fiery one!
Keira, 4 wks, side

"Hey, where's the peanut butter?"
Luigi, 4 wk, front

She's now about the size of Keira & Cowgirl
Itty-Bits, 4 wks, side
still very adorable, of course!

Pup #5, boy, "Mario"
Mario, 4 wk, side

Pup #6, girl, "Celia"
Celia, 4 wk, front
Whatever her color, she's a pretty girlie

Pup #7, girl, "Cowgirl"
Cowgirl, 4 wk, side

Pup #8, girl, "Sophia"
Sophia, 4 wk, front

Mario is a sweet little guy
Mario, 4 wk, front

Celia decided it was OK to stand this time
Celia, 4 wk, side

Cutest little cow I've ever seen
Cowgirl, 4 wk, front

Brindle & white dynamite
Sophia, 4 wk, side

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