They're looking more like whippets!
Photo Pedigree
Our little ones are growing and doing great! These puppies are truly a joy, the easiest we've ever had. I love the way
their little minds work!
Like our previous few litters, they get the benefit of spending time with their cousin, Solo, who is a great puppy-sitter.
Mac and Jaci, ready to go outside |

Our adorable Mercy in a contmplative moment |

Cousin Solo helping out with the new kids. |

Mazie enjoys playing with her growing brood. |

The pups' 10 week "birthday" came with a nice January thaw, and that meant extra outside play time. They had a lot
of fun out in the sun with their mama and big cousin, and had the mud smears to prove it! A pup's gotta do what a pup's gotta
do, right?
Zoe is such a cutie! |

Mercy, Zoe, Tait, and Mac - pups on a stick! |

Solo gives "mouth wrestling" lessons. |

Tait and Jaci say, "Hey, whatcha doin'?" |

At 11 weeks, here is our attempt at "stacked" photos. They sure aren't done as well as the 8 week photos at Mary's house!
We are still having camera trouble, so between squirmy puppies and a camera that was taking for-ev-er to snap pics, capturing
just the right pose was next to impossible.
Pup 1, girl, "Zoe" |

Pup 2, girl, "Mercy" |

Pup 3, girl, "Jaci" |

Pup 4, boy, "Tait" |

Pup 5, boy, "Mac" |

So, I hope you can look past the jerking heads and scooted feet, and see the cuteness and whippety beauty that
we see. The fact that we were able to get anything close to proper poses, and get them to sort-of stay long enough for the
camera to flash, speaks to how GOOD all of these babies are, too!
Adorable Zoe will soon be going to her new home, |

where she'll have a big brother whippet to play with. |
Longrun's Mercy Me will be staying with us! |

Isn't she cute?! Forgive the camera-fash eyes! |

Tait is such a sweetheart! |

This well-balanced guy is a real lovebug! |
