Duet was nine and a half weeks old when this photo was taken. Her apparent size compared to Dena's is misleading,
since Dena was curled up. Duet isn't all grown up yet! The purple "vest" on Dena is a vet-wrap bandage protecting a skin tear.
This is one unhappy baby girl! Duet managed to get underneath of Starman in the midst of his greeting leapies,
and he came down on her rear end. She had a slight gap in her hip joint on one side, and had to be on crate and leash rest
for a little over a week - not fun for a 10-11 week old pup. She was soon as good as new, and we all came through the
ordeal basically unscathed.
Poor little girl - no running or jumping |
The little princess reclining outdoors for some fresh air - taking a rest from rough-housing with her brother, Solo,
or trying to dig to China! At ten weeks, Duet is quite a busy little spit-fire. She's a very inquisitive and athletic
girl, which can get her into a lot of trouble.
Such a pretty little girl |
Duet went to some race meets with us this fall, where she enjoyed watching all the fun, making friends, and even pouncing
on a lure or two. Here she is on Oct. 20, at a NOTRA meet at Rosewood Farm. She was a bit embarrassed to have to wear her
brother's hand-me-down sweater, but cheered up after everyone told her she looked absolutely adorable in it.
Do I get to chase the bunny, too? |
Ahhhhh! There is the face I love! The photos below and below right were taken by my son, Evan Lamb, at the NOTRA
meet on Oct. 20, 2007. This head shot of Duet is so beautiful! Evan is very good with the camera, especially with such a lovely
This photo takes my breath away! |
Time is rushing by so fast, I realized that I have been neglecting to take "stacked" photos of Duet as she grows - bad
Mom! Here is our little gal at fifteen weeks. We think she's looking pretty good!
Duet always wants to play with everyone she meets, human or canine. This is her sassy way to invite an older whippet to
a wild wrestling match. Oh, how the leashes get tangled!
I had so much trouble choosing between these two photos, they both wound up here. The one below really shows Duet's underjaw,
and her cute little tongue, too. Can't help it - I'm crazy about my silly, sweet, sassy girl!
So yummy, she's licking her nose |