At five and a half weeks old, Duet is growing fast and becoming part of the family. Her mama, Dena, is teaching her more
about how to be both a dog and a princess. Here she gets a lesson in mouth wrestling, an important canine skill.
Dena teaches Duet the fine art of mouth wrestling, |
Six weeks old already - how the time flies! Duet is so much fun to have with us, so we are trying to enjoy her puppyhood
as the days whiz by. She's beginning to look more whippety now, but she's still quiet a roly-poly baby.
stacking lesson, at six weeks |
Dena and big brother Solo also continue to teach Duet about snoozing. Here they are all comfy on the couch with Wesley.
Sometimes a dog does have to leave room for a human or two on the couch.
A family snooze on the couch |
Dena, Solo, and Duet, with Wesley's leg |
Duet isn't sure she likes this "stacking" game very much, especially when we try to get a photo without my hand (and
the treat) in front of her face. She would like it much better if I would just give her the food!
Here is Duet at six and a half weeks, showing off her princess training. She loves a big, fluffy pillow bed, and is very
good at looking absolutely adorable and innocent - but we're not fooled! Well, she is adorable, but innocent?
Here they go again! Duet is seven weeks old in this photo, and Solo is ten months. The two of them are so funny together.
Duet loves to play with Solo and her mama, and is also getting in some play time with cousin Mazie now. Starman and Hugo still
think it best to stay away from "Dena's toy".
another scary puppy attack |
Here is our little girlie at nine weeks, still very intent on the food in my hand. She's a wonderful puppy, full of confidence
and kisses. We love her coloring, and hope she keeps the watermarking. We also love her attitude and personality -she's so
funny and sweet.
The other face in the photo below is cousin Hugo, who was politely asking for a bite of the liver. Yes, he got a piece.
More stacking practice at 9 weeks |
Our "exhibit A". Note the fierce expression on Duet's face, the bared teeth, and paws ready to whack. Poor Solo! He is
incredibly patient and gentle with his wild baby sister, though, and is her best play-fighting buddy. At least we hope it's
all play!
When good puppies go wild! |
At eight weeks old, Duet went on her first trip without mama Dena, to visit Aunt Mary Magee and go to two race meets
in Ohio. She had a great time meeting new friends at the meets, and visiting with Aunt Mary. Unfortunately, Mary became ill,
and we didn't get any stacked pics of Duet. (Mary was better in a couple of days.)
Look! Duet finally got her whippet ears!
chilling out at the race meet |
I wish I was better at stacking puppies! It seems impossible to get a photo that really shows how nice her topline is.
Don't you just love her little face!