Mazie's new puppies are going mobile, getting up on wobbly legs and toddling around. They needed more room just after
reaching the two week mark, so it was time to set up the puppy playpen and move them in. Let the games begin! They are already
doing a great job of keeping their crate clean and dry - good babies!
Mazie & puppies in their new digs - |
at 2 weeks, 2 days |
Dad made a good wind break. |
Keep us warm, Dad! |
Puppy #6 curls up for a nap. |
At four weeks, the puppies take up more room |
than when they first moved to this crate & pen. |
The pups were barely three weeks old when they went on their first road trip - to attend our racing National meets
in New Castle, IN. They traveled well in a large crate with Mazie, and were kept cozy in the unseasonably chilly
weather with plenty of blankets and tarps. The weather prevented them from getting to visit very much, but their "grandmas"
got to see them. :-)
A picnic lunch in the grass during our trip |
to the WRA & NOTRA National meets. |
Back home in the warm pen, pup #1 attacks a toy. |
It's fun to see them learning how to play with toys and each other. |
Cousin Duet likes to visit the pups |
and clean up their spilled food and their "used" food. |
They are getting very playful! |
L to R: Pups 2, 3, and 4 |
I love this age! The pups are growing and learning every day, and their personalities are beginning to show up.
Puppy #2 has a go at the new toy - |
from my winnings at the WRA National raffle. |
Puppies are sooooo much fun, even when they become a lot of work! ;-)
Look out! It's a puppy free-for-all! |