Scoop at eight years old, squinting in the sun - |
he's still a handsome hunk today, too! |
(CH Surrey Hill’s Firing Line, FCH x CH Chehalem’s Madam President)
Owned by Debi Adams
Multiple International BOB and Hound
Group Winner, Top Twenty 1997 & 1998, Top Ten 1996, Champion Producer, Specialty Winner, National Specialty Award of Merit Winner, and Best Veteran in
Specialty Winner
Scoop showed promise as a puppy: |
What a cutie! What wonderful attitude! |
In addition to being a beautiful puppy himself - he finished his AKC Championship from the 6-9 month class and won his
first Hound Group at 6 months - Scoop has sired beautiful puppies. Used on a limited basis, he has sired Champions (Am. and/or
Can.) in each litter he has produced that has reached maturity as of this date.
Scoop is a moderate 21 inches, balanced in every way - body and temperament. He is an outstanding gem of a whippet, and
we are thrilled to be bringing his wonderful attributes and pedigree into our Longrun whippets!
Scoop retained fun puppy-like qualities, |
even as an adult. ;-) |
He is not afraid to express his opinions, |
using his endearing sense of humor. |
Our beautiful Dena - |
Longrun's resident princess. |
(CH Windborn Take A Bow, SC, FCH x Wyndancer's I Got The Joy)
10 AKC CH points, not shown further due to injury,
but will hopefully be back in the ring after her maturnity leave.
Shown above winning Reserve at a supported entry of 52 class bitches.
ASFA FCH pointed
CERF clear, BAER normal, OFA Cardiac normal
Puppy Dena with sister Maggie |
at about 5 & 1/2 months - awwwwww! |
Six weeks from breeding |
Oh, my! Her ribs have spread out quite a bit, too! |
Dena wasn't getting very big, so we had her checked over by our veterinarian to make sure we weren't imagining things.
The verdict: she's pregnant all right, but with a "litter" of one. That's going to be one spoiled rotten puppy! We can hardly
wait to see this very special little one!
Eight weeks from the second breeding - |
our vet says there's one pup in there getting all the groceries! |