Now that Thanksgiving Day is behind us, we're plunging into the Christmas season, as well as final preparations
for our son, Wesley's, wedding. It's a busy time, but having puppies to socialize gives us a much-welcome reason to take regular
breaks. Time is flying by so quickly! I wish puppies would stay little longer!
We're eating Big Dog food! |

- at just over four weeks old |
Dad makes a great jungle-gym! |

Homer makes it almost to the top! |
Felicity wants me to come in the pen, too - |

or else let her out! |
Annabel checks out an interesting scent - |

out in the big world. |
Oh! Homer scored a little snack on the move! |

A tired puppy is a good puppy - |

multiplied times four! |
Now for the posed photos -
Pup #1, boy, Homer |

Pup #2, boy, O'Dell |

Pup #3, girl, Annabel |

Pup #4, girl, Felicity |

In the past two weeks, the puppies have been growing a lot and having new experiences. They like going outside,
especially when the sun is shining. When it's cloudy, they get chilly, so their outdoor time is limited.
Duet is still being a wonderful mama, though she doesn't enjoy nursing so much now!
Napping with our wonderful mama Duet - |

at four & 1/2 weeks |
Annabel keeps Dad's face clean. |

Somebody has to do it! |
O'Dell would never bite Dad's fingers - |

oh, no, NEVER! |
Homer finds another scent to check out, |

while Felicity checks out mama Duet. |
Drinks at the milk bar are served standing, |

now that the pups are big six-week-olds! |
Yeah, I think the novelty of motherhood |

is wearing thin! Duet is just about OVER IT! |
I can't believe they're already six weeks old!
Winking at the camera - |

getting a little too much help from his sibs! |
Yummy cheese helps puppies stand up! |

O'Dell likes to eat, as you can see. |
Annabel likes cheese, too! |

She's so sweet! |
Felicity is also a cheese lover, |

and a feisty little doll! |